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We Buy Homes for Cash

We Buy Homes for Cash!

Whatever timescale you have for selling whether it be within 1-2 weeks or 6 months we can make it happen for you. There is no need to worry about fees or commissions as we pay ALL the closing costs associated with the transaction. It may be that you are selling an inherited property or moving states and need the property sold quickly, whatever the situation we will work compassionately to make it as easy a process as possible. Looking after our clients is of utmost importance to us.

  • Timing of the sale is completely up to you
  • The condition of the home doesn’t matter
  • Fair offers given
Call (727) 421-3937

We will then do some research and give you a fair offer as quickly as possible or after inspecting the property.
Then you pick a closing date and leave the rest to us.



[email protected]
[email protected]

2234 Grovewood Rd, Clearwater, 33764

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